Friday, November 19, 2004

Zooropa, MN

U2 took 2 steps forward with The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby, and then took a big step backwards with Zooropa. They rushed this album out too quickly, as they wrote it while on tour for Achtung Baby. I picked this disc up at the Mall of America in Minnesota while at a family reunion. I made my parents take me there because I needed the CD the day it came out. When I finally got back to the rental car, I dropped the disc in my Sony Discman and hit play. “What the Hell is this?!” This is not U2. As we drove along, I was in shock. I think I finished the disc the first time through as we arrived at Bethel College.

Needless to say, I listened to this CD several more times through on that trip. It has grown on me, but it is not one of my favorites. It has a couple of great tracks. I love Daddy’s Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car. It is so industrial. I also love Stay, especially the single because of the B-side Under My Skin with Frank Sinatra. Numb is a fun song as well, especially because of the video. I can’t stand Babyface and Lemon, and The Wanderer just doesn’t belong on here. To top it off, 10 tracks is pretty weak.

We did not get to experience the Zooropa tour in the US, so a bunch of my friends and I ordered Zooropa from Australia on Pay Per View. I think I might still have the VHS of it somewhere. It was very interesting to see Bono dressed as MacPhisto, mocking the devil. If I remember correctly, he got the idea from C.S. Lewis. I am glad that this alter-ego of his did not last. I prefer The Fly and Mirrorball Man.

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