Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator

Well, the 9 days of intensive training in PA was worth it. I passed my fourth and final exam today to become a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator. It was a long trip with studying each night until midnight, but it was well worth it. I cannot wait to get home tomorrow. I am spending the night in New York tonight and so far it has not been what I hoped for. I arrived around 7:00 so I was going to take the subway to Ground Zero, but I took the wrong train. I ended up riding for a half hour in the wrong direction. I then decided I would just go to Time Square. I finally arrived there around 9:00. I was hoping to find a good restaurant, but ended up at TGIFridays as I just needed to eat. After dinner I walked around a little bit and took some photos. I took the wrong train again and finally made it back to my hotel around 10:30. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to do something before my shuttle picks me up just after noon. Here are a couple photos from Time Square.


Time Square


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, MR. MICROSOFT ADMINISTRATOR!! So proud of you, Mark! You are amazing and we love you for your steadfastness in many areas of your life. You are a true inspiration, along with your precious wife! Can't wait to see you, Alissa and Emma again. Safe trip home!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mark! Good job! Now... if you could just learn how to read the subway schedule. :)