Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Quick Update & Prayer Request

Emma is doing very well. She makes us smile and laugh at the constant comedy of her ever changing personality. The has been working very hard with Mommy and her OT to eat baby food by mouth. This has been a constant challenge from the beginning and over the last 4 weeks Emma has started to make progress. These are huge baby steps and we're very proud but cautiously optimistic. She is steadily gaining weight and currently weighs about 24 lbs. but that's not very official as we have not been to the Doctor in recent weeks. Speaking of Doctors, Emma is scheduled for a bronchoscopy, to remove scar tissue and to check on her trachea strength and eye duct irrigation surgery for Monday morning. Please pray the surgeries goes well and that the results are encouraging. We will post any news as soon as we are able.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Being Silly makes Mommy Laugh...


heidi said...

oh, wow! We got back just in time! I remembered that Emma's broncoscopy was coming up... we will definitely be praying for all of Monday's events!!! Love you all!

p.s. way to go, Emma!!!

Cate said...

i love you guys! keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

I will have Miss Emma in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to hear how well she does!

She is so cute :)