Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Another Setback

We had a meeting with the head doctor in the PICU yesterday to get an update on Emma’s condition. She has an infection in her blood, eye, and trach. Due to this, she will need to be on antibiotics for another 5 or 6 weeks. In all likelihood, she will need to remain in the hospital during this time. The occupational therapist has been working with Emma every day on trying to get her to feed. Because she is 5 months old and never learned to suck, it is very difficult to teach her how to feed. He compared it to teaching a child with cerebral palsy how to walk. He also explained that the G tube in her stomach would be more beneficial to Emma than the NG tube in her nose because the NG tube can cause irritation. It will be at least a week before we do anything with this though. With being sick, Emma has lost some weight as well. She is down to just over 6 pounds. Her fever is gone and is a little more comfortable than this weekend. It looks like we will be spending Christmas at CHOC this year. Thank you all for your continued support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart hurts to read about these most recent problems. Praying for you guys.
