Monday, July 25, 2005

Weekend Update

This weekend had its ups and downs. Emma was one week old on Saturday. Time is flying by, but not fast enough. She continued to lose weight until finally gaining some back yesterday. She is currently 1 pound 11 ounces. She was off the ventilator for several days, but then she kept forgetting to breathe. They had to put her back on a nasal breathing apparatus on Saturday and ended up putting her back on the complete ventilator yesterday. Since going back on the ventilator, she is doing better. It was a hard weekend for us to see her go from doing so well to taking a couple steps backwards. They took her temporarily off the breast milk because of all the extra tubes in her again. We got to help change her diaper a couple times this weekend as well. I am back to work today for most of the day and Alissa cannot drive for another week, so she is really missing Emma. Thanks for all your continued prayer and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...beautiful ... just beautiful