Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's Great to be HOME!!!

Yes we are home. Emma was ready to be discharged yesterday but came down with croup. She sounded like a baby seal, so her Doctor had us stay last night just to be safe. She came in early to check up on Emma this morning and was pleased to see she had improved since the day before. We got our discharge papers and came home. Emma, Mommy & Daddy are all so happy to be home together again. This was an incredibly long 2 weeks but it was a wonderful Easter present to be home as a family. We are so thankful for Christ's sacrifice for us and for helping Emma recover from being so sick. Emma is still trying to regain her strength and is slowly improving her stamina. Being sick was very hard on her this time. When we got home she smiled and lounged on the couch before taking a nap with Mommy and Daddy. Yes, being home is wonderful. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support through this last hospital stay and always. We were comforted in knowing we were thought of and prayed for.

Let me out of my cage...
I feel better I promise!

Sittin' pretty in her crib with her piggy tails

Emma really took to holding onto the rails of her crib and asking to get "up!"

Looking out the window wanting to go outside, at least the sun was shining in the room and warming our hearts.

Ok, No more pictures Please, Mommy. The Paparazzi must go...


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

Welcome Home!!! We are so happy that you were home to celebrate Easter with Emma! I pray that you all can get some much needed rest now that you are home.

We love you all so much!!! Hugs for you all.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord precious Emma is home. We have been praying for her and you daily. Trusting this will be it for the year! Love you three so much. . .