Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Pictures

The Lord blessed us with a wonderful homecoming gift. About a month ago our night nursing hours were cut, making it difficult to get a full night's sleep when we had a night nurse. Well, He must have know just how exhausted we were because Monday night we found out we were going to be getting our hours reinstated and now sleep is a reality. We are finally catching up and I must say that sleep is wonderful, and God Is So Good.
It has taken a few days to get our routine back but we are now in the groove of being home so I can get blogging again. When we got home from the hospital the Easter Bunny had visited and left a little basket for Emma. Here are a few pictures of Emma and her Eggs. She has learned to open them and loves to find little prizes inside. Of course the little prizes are for Mommy & Daddy since she doesn't eat candy.
Look What I Found...
Bug Eyes...or.. are they Egg Eyes?
What a Silly Girl.

Just keep Smiling..


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's good to see her smiling again. Thanks for the Easter pictures. God bless.


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

Ah, yes... it is lovely to see that beautiful smile enjoying the outdoors! I am so happy that you were able to spend Easter at home as a family! And, so excited that your night nurse hours came back! Yeah for sleep!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful you are able to get some rest again. PTL! What sweet pictures of your little angel. Trust you will have a wonderful spring, and no more hospital visits! Love you all.

Amy Barron said...

could she BE any cuter? Love the first pic!!