Monday, May 21, 2007

Back in the Hospital

Dear friends,
Please pray for Emma, Mark & I, as Emma is back at CHOC at Mission again. She (we) went in yesterday because she couldn't keep anything down, not even Pedialite. As a result to this episode over the last 3-4 days, Emma had VERY low blood sugar (12) which should be around 118 I think. So needless to say Emma was a very sick little girl upon admittance at CHOC. She seems to be feeling a little bit better but is still suffering from not feeling so good, teething molars & eye teeth and the start of the terribly-terrific-twos. She is not sleeping well so neither is Mommy. We're all exausted. Please pray for a quick recovery, and her teeth to come through in a rapid way so the pain can stop and sleep can start again. Thank you and we'll keep you all updated when Emma improves and comes home again.


Hechung said...

I will be praying for you guys. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby girl... Please know our prayers are with you.


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

We are still praying...
and hoping we will be able to see all 3 of you this weekend.

All our love... andersons