Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Latest

I have a few updates for you this morning. Emma had her trach changed on Tuesday and ever since she has been doing great. They put in a larger one and she seems a lot more comfortable. We even got to hold her the past 2 days. Yesterday the cardiology team met and set a tentative surgery date for Emma of November 1. Things change all the time, so I am not holding my breathe. It also turned out that she did not have pneumonia. She had an infection from the trach incision. The doctors have started her back on her feeds slowly and she finally handled some milk. They will slowly get her back to full feeds. Alissa and I will be heading back home for about a week because our host has other company coming in from out of town. Now that Emma is doing fine, we are more comfortable driving a little bit further. We will be back in Tustin when Emma has her surgery.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just wanted you to know that I continually check in on beautiful Emma. I also continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Just thought I would let you know that I am still thinking of you! God Bless

Anonymous said...

hey this is cousin kaitlyn hinkston, your baby is beautiful and i want you to know i am praying for emma and am having my bible class pray for her as well so i love you all
♥ kaitlyn