Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Good Day

It seems like I have been sending out more bad news than good recently, so I wanted to send out a positive e-mail this morning. Emma has been doing well the past couple of days. Since being back on the ventilator, she is a lot more calm and resting peacefully. Her settings on the ventilator are at minimum and she is only on it because of the irritation in her throat. She is back on milk with the ventilator so that is good news as well. We spoke with the resident doctor on the floor yesterday and it looks like Emma may be able to stay at the Mission location until she is ready to have the surgery. While we know that CHOC in Orange is one of the best hospitals in the world, we have grown attached to the nurses and doctors at Mission, not to mention that it is 10 minutes from our home. Emma also was seen by an ENT (Ears, Nose, Throat) specialist to see if they can find out why her throat keeps swelling. They found nothing wrong above the larynx, but were unable to look further down into her lungs. The next time they take her off the ventilator, they are going to look deeper. Alissa spent the morning and afternoon at home yesterday to get some much needed rest. After two rough days in a row she really needed it. Thankfully, she was able to get some rest. Thanks again for all of the encouragement and prayers.

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