Sunday, July 05, 2009

A New Room for the Girls

Our weekend started on Friday when we sent the girls to be with their grandparents so we could get a handle on the chaos that had become our playroom. We were fortunate to be the recipients of some great hand-me-down storage. It totally did the trick and we reaped the benefits of a days work of organization and best of all it was FREE!
We love free and being tidy. Now to work on the rest of the house.
Below are the before and after pictures of our accomplishments. was toys, toys, toys everywhere.

Now...It's neat & tidy.
Let the real work begin, teaching Emma to pick up her toys after she's finished playing.
The girls watching a little "Stuart Little"

Sisters cuddlin' in the chair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful girls. I'm so happy for you all.

