Monday, August 18, 2008

In the Last Week

Emma has been doing ok since she was discharged last week. Unfortunately, she has come down with pneumonia but seems to be responding well to the antibiotics. The good news is that she has been able to stay at home while she's recovering. She has had 3 doctors appointments that had all led to the same conclusion; she probably doesn't need her trach anymore. So in a couple of weeks, provided she gets and stays healthy, we will head back into the hospital to attempt decanulation (getting her trach out). Please pray for us as we are very nervous and cautiously excited. Pray for Emma's lungs to heal, and trachea strength to keep her airway open as well as her ability to breathe safely without the trach tube. We will send updates as we get them.


Anonymous said...

Keeping all of you in our prayers. Hope she feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh... that is SOOOO exciting.... and SOOOO scary... We will be praying for you all.
Love, Valerie

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME news! I will definitely keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...

We are optimistic with you that this will be accomplished with relative ease. Our little princess is such a trooper! Y'all are amazing and we pray for you often. . Love you

Nick said...

What great news! It's always so awesome to see our kids acomplish new goals and milestones. This sure is a big one! We will be praying! Let us know when it's going to happen!

Love Team ASkew