Emma is quite the little crawler...She has come to love her new found freedom and is really enjoying exploring her surroundings. She recently learned to open drawers and constantly looks for ways to get into the kitchen. Her curiosity is very amusing and she makes the silliest faces when she is really concentrating on getting into something she knows is a No-No. We love seeing how her mind works.
Emma has been working diligently in Physical Therapy as she is continuing to practice her crawling skills. She takes walks around our community with her Physical Therapist and loves to find piles of leaves to CRUNCH as she stomps on them...Emma have been authorized for a walker to assist her with her balance. We hope that once she gets the walker, she'll really start to take off and gain the ability to walk. As she gets stronger, and builds her core strength, she will hopefully be strong enough to get her trach out sometime in 2008.
On the topic of getting stronger and gaining weight, Emma went to a scheduled Doctors visit. She tipped the scale at 15 pounds 8.5 ounces. She is also 28 inches tall. We are so pleased that she has grown and gained. We are thankful for God's faithfulness in growing Emma...We know that as she gets bigger she'll get stronger and healthier.
Just Cruising Around the House...
Looking For Leaves to CRUNCH...
Ah Ha...Leaves Make Such Fantastic Sounds!