Friday, September 10, 2010

5 Years Ago Today

5 years ago today at 6:30 pm we almost lost Emma. We got the news that she had coded and was fighting hard to survive. It was the hardest day of our lives as Mark and I sat there praying for signs of a heartbeat to show up on Emma's hospital monitor. The entire NICU at CHOC Children's at Mission worked intensely and they hurried around fighting hard to save her. We were all crying as we waited and prayed. God provided a miracle that night. A miracle that we will never forget. Today we celebrate that our daughter is alive and thriving.
Today on this anniversary God provided another miracle, as Emma rode the school bus to and from school ALL BY HERSELF. Here are a few pictures.
Today reminds us that our lives are fragile and in God's hands.

The day after Emma's code.
Hooked up to the oscillator vent with chest tubes from the pneumothoraxes.

Waiting for the Bus
What a big girl...

The bus is here!!!

All buckled up and ready to go.
Bye Mom!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Kindergartener Extraordinaire

Today marked a major milestone for Emma Grace, as she started kindergarten.
This was a day we thought might not ever come, when Emma was so critically ill. But, with lots of prayer and hard work it did come. We are so thankful.
She was very excited this morning when she woke up as she knew today was the day.
Daddy, Mommy, Sara, Nan, Papa, & her nurse, Mary were all there to see her take the first of many steps into her new school Meadow Park Elementary.
We were all so excited and everyone was smiling, especially Emma.
As Emma walked down the hall she was greeted by her Principal who commented that she was not yet wearing her Angels gear. Emma quickly replied, "Tomorrow". What a funny girl she is and already so well known.
After school I was greeted with a wonderful report of the days events from her new teacher, Ms. Sulack, which was;"Emma had a great first day and she ate really well."
This made me happy and extremely relieved as I was a bit anxious about lunch time.
When asked if she liked kindergarten and if she'd like to go back, Emma replied, "Oh yes!"
Here are a few pictures of the big moments...

Walking up to the school

Sara, Mommy, Daddy, & Emma waiting for the bell to ring

Emma and her Papa

Emma, Nan, & Sara.
By the expression on her face I think
Emma just realized that there are a lot more kids at this school.
Greeting Ms. Sulack

Emma with her Kindergarten Teacher, Ms. Sulack

Sara Waiting for Emma to get home from school

Emma's home (with her nurse, Mary)....what a great day!