Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Big Girl Rides the Bus To School

Well the phone rang yesterday and it was the school transportation department saying that Emma was added to the bus route and that she would be riding the bus tomorrow (today). This was great news but it was also bitter sweet. I have enjoyed the last 2 weeks going to school with Emma and this means that now I get to watch her; like the big girl she is get on the bus and go to school. This will be a great adventure for her and oh what fun she'll have. Thankfully Emma's nurses Mary & Katy will be riding the bus and going to school with Emma.
This is such a weird feeling of being on this side of the "bus".
Don't get me wrong it's wonderful and weird all at the same time.
Emma was thrilled beyond measure when today came and I told her she was riding the bus. She responded in her adorable voice with her usual "Now" and so we went outside with her backpack and waited for her bus. Wow! Our miracle baby is really growing up fast.
We are SO PROUD!

Walking to the bus stop with Mary

Waiting at the Bus Stop with Mommy & Sara

Here Comes the Bus!!!

Oh her excitement just can't be contained

Here is it...

Wow its so Yellow

Emma with her Bus Driver, Mr. Sergio

Bye Bye Mom...Bye Bye Sara

All Strapped In & Ready to Go

Waving Bye Bye (too bad the windows are tinted)

There she goes, Off to school

We are so proud of you. You are getting so big its hard to believe that you were so fragile and little in the NICU. What great feats you have overcome. Way To Go!
You are so precious to us and everyday we have with you is a blessing.
We love you sweet pea, see you when you get home.
Love, Mommy & Daddy

Sara is 4 Months Old

Sorry for the late posting but the time just gets away from me, just cant figure out what consumes all of my time these days.... OH YEAH!!! My beautiful girls, now I remember... :)
Well time is flying by and Sara is getting bigger and cuter by the day. She is 4 1/2 months old to date but in the pictures below she is 4 months old. She has a wonderful little personality and she loves to giggle. Sara has found her voice and is not afraid to use it to grab out heartstrings and pull to get out attention. It is such a sweet sound to hear her call out to us.
At her last Dr. appointment she weighed 12 pounds 11 ounces and is now 24 inches long. She is developing nicely and her pediatrician is pleased with her progress. He even gave us the OK to start rice cereal because she has a bit of Reflux and he said it might help. So far she has enjoyed this new adventure and is getting pretty good at it.

Getting bigger and cuter every day

What a doll....

I love that smile!!!
First bite of rice cereal, MMMMM!
Big Sister, Emma, was a big helper.

This is pretty good

Emma crawled under the play gym with Sara and taught her how to bat at the toys.
She's the best big sister ever.

When I think of one word that describes you at this moment I think of JOY, as you have brought so much JOY to our family and our hearts. It is a JOY to be your mommy and a pleasure to watch you develop and grow. I love you and treasure our time together.
Love, Mommy

Sunday, August 09, 2009

2009 OC Fair

On Friday we went to the fair to celebrate Daddy's birthday. We ate BBQ'd corn on the cob and some deep fried Reese's. The highlight of the day was watching Emma ride a pony for the first time. We weren't sure if she would be scared, but we allowed her to decide if she wanted to go on. As soon as she was placed of the pony, she lit up. She got to ride Katie for at least 10 minutes. It was such a delight to watch her. We look forward to seeing both girls ride next year.

Emma Riding Pony Katie

So Happy

Look Mom, No Hands

Sara enjoying the Fair.

Momma and Emma petting a baby chick.

Someone needs to see the dentist.

Footsie Wootsie