Thursday, May 28, 2009

There's No Place Like Home...or Emma's Favorite Place, "The Hopital"

Two days ago Emma underwent a minor heart surgery. We have been talking about it for weeks and with great anticipation Emma has been asking daily if it was the day. So when we woke her up at 4:45 am the other morning it was no surprise that Emma practically jumped for joy when I said it was time to go. She woke up with a smile and did her happy dance in her bed. It may have well have been Christmas as her excitement grew. The Surgery was to help open up her left pulmonary artery which will help her lungs develop better. This was successful, unfortunately, we found out that she will need more surgery in the next couple of years.
The only patient thrilled to be there

Waiting to go to the O.R.

Emma's very special visitors in the CVICU.

Emma's Favorite Past Time (Mommy's Too)

Every morning Sara and I come down stairs to a very excited Emma who is eagerly but patiently waiting to hold her baby or as Emma says "daydy". It is so sweet to see my girls together and I am very thankful that they love being together and each other.

Emma loves holding Sara, usually Sara loves being on Emma's lap

Mommy Loves Her Girls' Feet.

Can You See My Heart

Emma loves to check on Sara when she is in her pack & play. Its super cute.

What a precious picture

I Love Being A Mommy

Mother's Day was very special for two reasons this year. It was my first Mother's Day as a mommy of two beautiful daughters and it was the day we dedicated Sara to the Lord. Sara wore my baby Christening dress as Emma had worn it 3 years ago. It was so sweet to be there as a family of four promising to raise Sara in a Christian way with the hopes that she will know the Lord in a real and personal way. After her dedication we went back to Mark's Parent's home and enjoyed some family time and a very yummy brunch.

Nan, Sara, Alissa, Yoda, Grandma, & Emma

The Ford Family of Four

My dear daughters,
Thank you for making me a mommy.
I am honored and blessed that God chose me for you.
My life and our family is enriched by the both of you.
I Love You,

Dedicating Sara...A wonderful Mother's Day tradition

Thursday, May 14, 2009

In the Last 3 Weeks

Family Update:
Well as you can imagine we have been a busy family over the last few weeks. We have had several visitors, gone to the beach, gone to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and celebrated being a family. We got to meet our nephew Cason (Alissa's Brother Chris's son) and catch up with Chris & Lisa (Cason's Dad & Mom) who came out from Wyoming to meet Sara. It was great to see them and play with Cason. We enjoyed spending the weekend with Alissa's side of the family as we went to the Wild Animal Park and the beach for out door fun and a BBQ.
Kiddo Update:
Emma is doing great. She loves going to the park, playing in water with her toys outside and giving Sara her pacifier. She is a great big sister. Emma has been more and more interested in eating food and now asks to try what we are eating. We are very excited for her progress and are hopeful for continued motivation. She continues to use her walker and although she's still not walking independently, she is making strides with her strength and endurance. She is also talking more, although we still have to decipher what she is saying, it is sweet to hear her voice. Emma will have surgery to open her left pulmonary artery in her heart on May 26th. Watch for the updates and please pray for safety and a quick recovery.
Sara is now 6 weeks old and is as cute as can be. She roughly 10 pounds and is growing daily. It is so fun to see her out grow newborn sized diapers and clothes as she heads into the next size. She has brought such joy to our family and its hard to imagine that she's only been with us for a bit over 6 weeks. Today we caught a glimpse of her first smile. What a precious sight. On Mother's Day we dedicated Sara to the Lord. It was so special as she wore Alissa's Christening gown like Emma did when we dedicated her 3 years ago. What a sweet tradition. Watch for more pictures of Mother's Day and her Dedication in future posts as we are a bit behind in updates.
Here are a few pictures of the last 3 weeks.
Sara in the sink...
Celebrating Braden's Birthday

Sweet Sisters...
Emma Loves holding Sara

Too Cute

Lisa (Baby #2),Chris & Cason at the Wild Animal Park

Mommy & Emma & Braden on the tram

Petting a deer with Grandpa

What a sweet smile Cason has.

Mommy & Sara at the beach

Mommy & her Girls

Watching the waves safely on Daddy's shoulders

Chris, Lisa & Cason & (baby #2)
Enjoying the beach

The Entire Crew

Daddy & Sara

Daddy & Emma

Sleeping Sara

Sara loves the car

Smile Sara, what a cutie pie.