Sunday, December 21, 2008

Making Christmas Cookies

I realize that it has been a long time since we sent out an update. Emma continues to work hard with her Speech, Occupational & Physical therapists. Her language, eating, fine/gross motor skills are emerging; although she still has a long ahead. We are praying that she learns to walk this year.

Its been busy with the Christmas season in full swing. Emma is enjoying the lights and decorations that brighten her world, although it did take her a little while to get acclimated to the decor. She has been enjoying watching Christmas DVDs with her favorite being Frosty The Snowman. Emma has had lots of fun visiting with family. She has even been able to help bake some yummy Christmas cookies when Grandma came over last Monday.

As for the new baby; due in April...So far she looks good. The Doctor is pleased with her growth and we will continue to be monitored closely every 2-3 weeks. We continue to pray for Alissa's progress with being able to consume food and tolerate liquids. As of now she is making progress one day at a time and hopes to be able to enjoy some Christmas dinner. She continues to be on bed rest with modified activity, which is hard on everyone. Please pray for us.

We are truly blessed with wonderful family & friends who are there to help support us during this time. Thank you for all you do.

Making Cookies w/ Grandma, such adoration

Adding Sprinkles

The Finished Product, such pride in her work

Sharing cookies with Grandma
Tasting her Work

What a Happy Girl

Rocking her handkerchief baby

Playing Dress-up at Nan & Papa's


Anonymous said...

We're so glad Emma is having a great Christmas experience. Thankfully she has two loving grandmas nearby to assist. Mark, you are amazing with all you do to keep Alissa and Emma going. Alissa, we pray for you and baby girl daily - and trust that soon you will be feeling better and able to tolerate food and drink! Emma, you are adorable and we love you so much. Have a blessed Christmas celebration with your family. Hugs to all

Dave and Kelli said...

So glad to know you are doing as well as possible and hanging in there. Emma is, of course, the most adorable thing ever. We pray for a wonderful CHRISTMas time together and that this next year will be FULL of unexpected blessings and milestones!! Love you all TONS!! XO