Tuesday, November 27, 2007

2007 CHOC Fundraiser Letter

The 2007 CHOC Holiday Fundraiser letter came out this week with Emma's story. Here is a copy of the letter. Click here to read the letter in PDF.


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

That was awesome to read Emma's story... I don't think I knew all the details from pregnancy to now. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Emma was the perfect choice to be the face of CHOC!

You both have done such a wonderful job raising her so far! I am sure we will never know all the tears and pain you have felt... but on the other side, you both get to experience joy like no one else will! God's perfect plan in making you Emma's mommy and daddy!

Anonymous said...

just saw this... is it similar to what happened to emma a little while back??


Anonymous said...

That picture that they used of Emma at the top of the letter is just BEAUTIFUL. She has such a sweet face. Congrats, Mom and Dad you guys are doing a wonderful job!!

Maria Leger