Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Results of Emma's Bronchoscopy

Well it seems as though Emma is not ready for her trach to come out yet. This news is disappointing but totally understandable. All we really want for Emma is for her to be healthy and have a strong airway plus happiness and growth. We were told that we would re-address her trach removal when she gained 3 more kilos, which is about 6 and a half lbs. This will probably put her right around 20 lbs. Her Doctor did explain that she has some scar tissue in her trachea that will need laser surgery before her her trach comes out too, and he would like to try to wean her to a shorter "non-custom" trach tube after the lasered areas have healed. So our task of weight gaining continues as we move into a new season with her. Emma is so active, which is wonderful, but she burns more calories than she consumes, making it hard to gain weight. Don't we all wish we had this issue....

On a lighter note, we had a MARVELOUS day today after the bronch was completed and Emma was discharged. Mark and I already had the day off for this procedure, and since it's summer and we were close to Disneyland we decided to take advantage of the day. We took Emma to Downtown Disney for the 1st time, for lunch and a bit of outdoor shopping. Emma got a goodie from the Disney Store for enduring the last two days like a champ. She really enjoyed people watching and saying HI to everyone she met.
Emma has also taken to crawling a bit more than a few weeks ago, although she still has a long way to go before she is fully crawling. She is now what I would call mobile and she really is enjoying her new found freedom and mischevious explorations.
Watch out world here she comes!!


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

So glad to hear that you were able to enjoy your day with Emma... it sounds like a perfectly wonderful way to celebrate her procedures being finished for now.

We are praying for weight gain!!!

We can't wait to see you all again. Emma and Elijah can keep practicing their crawling together!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. We will continue praying for her weight gain and that the "new trach" process will happen sooner than later. You are all such troopers! We love you much!!

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying too!
You are the great parents!