Sunday, July 08, 2007

Emma Meets More Family Members

Yesterday we took our first trip out of Orange County to visit family we have not seen in quite some time. We drove down to El Cajon with our friend and nurse Melinda for Mark's Mom's cousin Tim's wedding reception. This was very special for our family because Emma met several family members including Mark's Aunt & Uncle & his cousin's & their kids...Etc..We had such a wonderful time sharing our daughter with our loved ones many of who met her for the first time. We took about 150 pictures so here are all of them, just kidding, I edited out quite a few. This was such a special day. We look forward to many more days like this.

(Back row) Bethany, Caleb, Emily, Jordan
(Middle row)Jacob, Maggie, Shelbi, Linnea
(Front row) Elijah, & Emma
Elijah sleeping on Mark

Mark's Great Aunt Ruth & Emma

Uncle Bob with Emma

Emma & Maggie

Auntie Pris & Emma

Got Your Nose Emily

The Mommies
Heidi, Alissa, Kelly, & Marta

Emma's 1st Smooches from Elijah

Gigglin' is so much fun!

Emily with Alissa


Anonymous said...

I realize Emma's always in a happy mood, and this is because God loves her and gives the smile on her face.

Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

WooHoo! Great pictures! You even beat me to it!

I will have to borrow that one of Elijah and Emma! What a cute little kiss! Love Emma's expression!

Oh! It was so unbelievably wonderful to see you guys on Saturday! We love you three so much... we have to make another visit soon!

Thanks for staying so long to visit with us and for all the wonderful pictures of the kids together!

Love you!