Monday, October 30, 2006

Back at CHOC

On Friday night we took Emma back to the hospital. During the day she had thrown up 12 times and couldn't keep down a syringe of water. Alissa has not left her side in 3 days. In the past we could leave Emma when she went to sleep, but now she is aware of her surroundings and wants mommy whenever she is awake. Yesterday she was finally able to tolerate some pedialite in addition to the IV fluids. She has pseudomonis again which is some sort of infection or bacteria from her trach.


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

We are praying for Emma's quick healing and recovery from this bacterial infection.
We love you three, so much!!!
Heidi, for all of us

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of Emma's latest problem. We will be praying. Much love from Uncle Bob and Auntie Pris