Monday, June 12, 2006

Enough Already

Emma went back to her second home at CHOC Saturday. She is unable to keep her feedings down again, so they admitted her to the Pediatrics floor at CHOC. We have now stayed in every part of CHOC at Mission except for the short stay unit. Yesterday we spent about 3 hours in the radiology lab doing an upper GI study to see if her digestive system is working properly. They filled her stomach with barium and then watched it go through her system on the X-Rays. Last night we got the results back and thankfully there is no blockage in her intestines. They also took some cultures from her trach area and they came back positive. She has an infection of some kind, but they could not treat her with antibiotics until they narrowed it down. She was so miserable yesterday. Hopefully we will have a result soon and be able to start treating her with the right antibiotics.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby Emma....hope she's feeling better soon and home again once more. Have a happy Father's day, Mark, and give Miss Emma a kiss from her fan club at Healthbridge! (Heck, give your wife a kiss from us, too...we miss you guys!)

love, lisa

Hechung said...

We are still holding Emma in our prayers. She is so beautiful and precious.