Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Quick Emma Update

I just wanted to send out a quick update to all of you regarding Emma. Over the past couple days she has stabilized. She is connected to 4 IVs and a central line. She still has 2 chest tubes that are draining air and fluid from her chest cavity near her lungs. She is very puffy and just started getting nutrients last night. It may be a little while longer before she starts getting milk again. Dr. Berdjis, her cardiologist has been seeing her everyday and is happy with her progress. He has ordered peace and quiet for Emma as much as possible. Emma cannot have visitors except for Alissa and I and our parents. And then we can only look at her and not talk in her room. Alissa and I have been just sitting in her room just to be near her. We just listen to audio books on my iPod. We slept at home last night after 2 nights in the NICU with her. It was tough, but we needed to do it. It will take some time for us to be comfortable leaving her at the hospital as we go home again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I continue to keep Emma and both you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers. I continue to hope all the best for you guys. There is nothing worse than having that phone call from the hospital. I know, I have been there. I am glad she pulled through and I will continue to send positive thoughts to you all!! God Bless