Sunday, July 04, 2010

May & June: The Beginning of Summer

Well I've said it before and I'll say it again...Time flies when we are having fun. May brought us a new addition to our family, as Karen and David had their first daughter. Kayla Elizabeth was born on May 5th. She is a cutie pie and we love her so much. The girls can't wait for her to get bigger so they can all play together.
We celebrated Mother's day as a family at Nana & Papa's house. The girls played in the water and sand table with Liam. They had a great time squishing the sand and pouring water.

Sara's Latest:
Sara is 15 months and has continued to become a busy little toddler at a rapid pace. She enjoys dancing, climbing, running around and getting into EVERYTHING. We have invested in several baby gates but they don't really stop her; just slow her down. She is quite the little Houdini. She is also a little sponge, as she's absorbing tons. She can say Mommy, Daddy, Emma, baby, happy, doggie, boobie, uh-oh, yeah & yay! She has 7 teeth and is currently working on her 8th. Sara is pure joy on roller skates. She keeps us on our toes but keeps us laughing as well. Her latest tricks include the animal noises, Mouw like a kitty, wow wow like a doggie. She has also found her tongue and finds it very entertaining to wiggle and click it.
Daddy is watching her as I am typing this and he hasn't been able to sit down. He is running interference and doing a lot of blocking. I think it brings him back to his football days.

Emma's Latest:
On June 23rd Emma completed her first year of school at ECLC, a preschool for children with special needs. She loves everything about school, especially her teachers, therapists and of course her friends. We are so proud of her accomplishments and milestones she met this past year.
Last week, Emma started her ESY (extended school year) with Summer School at her new school she will be attending this fall. She is blessed to have her new kindergarten as her summer school teacher so the transition should be a piece of cake. She continues to thrive at school and enjoys going 3 days a week. I am still finding it hard to believe that my baby will be in kindergarten in September. I feel like I blinked to long and she grew up. Speaking of, in 2 weeks we will celebrate her 5th birthday with a Pirate Princess Birthday Party. We are all very excited about this huge milestone and she is too. Watch for pictures in future postings.
Emma is continuing to develop with leaps and bounds. Her speech & language is improving vastly as she is now speaking in short sentences and making her needs and requests known. She is also continuing to use her walker to stroll through our neighborhood and everywhere. She is very speedy and is really able to navigate her space pretty well. Emma was also cleared to fly and go to higher elevations so we jumped at the chance to fly to Denver to visit my brother Chris and his family. It was a fantastic experience and a wonderful trip. Watch for a separate post about our Colorado Trip.

We look forward to see what new adventures this summer brings us and greet our future with arms open wide. Thank you for your continued prayers interest in our family.
We love you...

Water & Sand Play at Nana & Papa's

Mother's Day 2010
Mommy and her Girls

The Escape Artist

Sara Loves Loves Loves to Swing

Emma Can Slide All By Herself; What A BIG GROWN-UP Girl

Sara's trying hard to sit still for her first haircut.
Thanks Deb, you always do such a great job with my wiggly girls!

The Finished Look....Such a Big Girl!

Two Proud Parents going on a Date to the Loin King