Well although this post is far passed over due, here are a few pictures from Sara's First Birthday Party (which was held back in March). We had a great time celebrating Sara and just how fast a year can go by. It truly seems like she was born just a few months ago, how can Sara be a year (14 months at the time of this post) already??? We ate yummy food and watched Sara dive into her giant cupcake, chatted with old and new friends, and of course played like little kids as everyone enjoyed a sweet treat in "Sara's Sweet Shoppe". Sara was so busy greeting her guests and running around all day that she walked into a couple of walls from sheer fatigue but it didn't stop her from having a good time.
Overall, it was a very fun day.
She is absolutely amazing and we just love seeing her develop and explore her surroundings. Her curiosity keeps her busy, although recently she has taken to sitting and reading books, which is kind of a nice break for mommy. Sara has a funny sense of humor and is often caught looking at herself in the mirror and giggling. She always makes us laugh, even when she's undoing the tidying up we have just done. She loves to dance and is always smiling. We are proud to be her parents. She is a special part of our family.
Sara's First Birthday Banner, Mommy made for her
I'm ONE!

Cake, I'm Gonna Getch'a
Look at Sara's face.... She's so sad she can't eat the whole cake all by herself
Sara in her new bathing suit, sitting with her birthday loot.