Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Couple Of Balloons Before Christmas

Well We have been very busy as I'm sure everyone else is too. We have been visiting dear friends and family, going to birthday parties and preparing for the Ultimate Birthday Party, "CHRISTmas". Both girls have enjoyed watching Christmas movies, decorating the house, singing carols, and making baked goodies. Emma has become very fond (putting it mildly) of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. So we have watched the movie, listened to the song and read the book too many times to count. Sara is such a good sport that she just enjoys participating in whatever her big sister is doing. Both girls enjoyed visiting Santa this year so we were ale to get a "smiling picture" this year. It always seems like its an every other year occasion so we'll have to see how next year's turns out.
Emma who is now almost four and a half is getting to be so grown up. She is enjoying going to school and asks daily if today is a school day and is sad when she is off track and has to wait 3 weeks to go back. Emma speech is improving and she learns new words and phrases daily. Its great to see how quickly she absorbs new information. There isn't much we can get by her now. Emma's balance is also improving since she started wearing her Magic shoes (AFO's). its wonderful to see her development progressing.
Sara, who is growing up WAY too quickly, is now almost 9 months old. She is reaching milestones left and right, as she is standing and trying to walk. Sara now cruises around the house either behind her play shopping cart or holding onto furniture. Sara has truly found her voice and she loves to sing loudly. She has also learned to whisper, sweetly. It's very cute. Sara's latest trick is to clap her hands for herself as she says yay!!!. She is very proud of herself and we are proud of her too.
Both girls keep us on our toes and we love watching them grow to be the happy girls they are becoming. We look forward to this next week as Daddy is off and we can spend some quality family time as we celebrate CHRISTmas together.
We hope all of you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy And Healthy New Year!

Emma and Sara Visit Santa. Both loved seeing him.
This is Sara's first CHRISTmas and she is delighted it the wonder of it all.

Sara is 8.5 months old

Emma is 4.5 years old

Playing with balloons from Harper's 1st Birthday Party.
Oh what fun balloons are!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Good and Bad (but not Terrible) News...

Well friends, the bad news, we have been battling colds, staying home from school and visiting the doctor. The good news, Emma's immune system is stronger than ever and has been able to fight off the germs with out a hospital visit. So Far So Good. She is quite the trooper. She was very brave a week or so ago when she had to get her booster shots and received 6 injections. Only a few tears were shed and she sat so still. I was one proud Momma. Emma continues to gain strength in her legs thanks to her AFO's and is eager to walk. She had another fitting/adjustment with the Orthosist and he is pleased with her progress.

Sara, now 7.5 months, is crawling and pulling to a standing position. She loves standing up in her crib and screeching at us. She is so proud of herself, we are proud of her too. She has started to gain the nick-name of "Trouble" as she is everywhere...Under our feet, pulling our hair, and taking tumbles all in the name of curiosity. Her smile is so darling and she has us all wrapped around her dainty little fingers.

Watch for new pictures in upcoming posts... as we have been quite camera happy this month.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Pix 2009

We have been to the Pumpkin Patch a couple of times and may go back again...
Gotta love the pumpkins. Its good free fun and photo-opertunistic too.
Here are a few of our most recent pictures of the girls with the pumpkins.
Thanks Aunt Dee for the special jack-o-lantern shirts.
We love them, they're so cute.

Just Chillin' in the Patch Waitin' On the Great Pumpkin...And Charlie Brown too

Lounging in a Wheel Barrel

Sara's first Halloween Time.
She makes zerberts and spooky sounds.

Hey what's down there?

The Pumpkin is SOOOOO BIG!

Happy First Birthday Cousin Liam!!!

Happy First Birthday Liam
We Love you and can't believe you're a one year old already.
Here are a few pictures of Liam's Celebration

You want me to put my hands in the dirt?
Come on it's really pudding...

Maybe it's not so bad

Tonka Toy Pudding Cake and cupcakes to celebrate!!!

Emma with Nan & Aunt Dee
Such Divas...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Trick or Treating Disney-Style

Last Thursday we went to Disney's California Adventures for Mickey's Halloween Party. We dressed up in a Peter Pan Theme as a family. This year Emma chose the theme, who knows what we'll do for the up coming years once Sara has an opinion. We walked around getting candy and healthy snacks from several stations and enjoyed the festive decor and party atmosphere and met Emma's latest favorite characters, the Peter Pan crew.
We stayed out till 10 pm and even Emma was awake till we got in the car. I guess it was lucky that Emma actually took a nap in preparation for the fun.

Daddy, I mean Peter...

Tiger Lily and Tink

Wendy (mommy) and Tink (Sara)

The Cutest Little Fairy Ever!

The Ford Family in Peter Pan gear


Showing off her healthy snack

Riding the Golden Zephyr

Meeting Peter Pan, Wendy & Captain Hook
Emma was thrilled with Peter & Wendy.
Sara made eyes at Hook.
Doesn't she know he's the bad guy?

We went with Uncle David, Auntie Karen & Sara (not pictured was Aunt Dee)
Thank you we had a great time....

Magic Shoes

A few weeks ago Emma was casted for AFO's (leg braces) which she picked out all by herself. She is very into Peter Pan so when she saw the Pirate skull and cross-bones she quickly made her choice. Last week she got them, hot pink straps and all. Emma sat through the hour long appointment patiently while she had her "Magic Peter Pan Shoes" custom fitted to her little feet.

The process begins
Sooooo Excited for her magic shoes

Here is some Green Velcro, wanna see??

One Very Proud Momma with One Very Happy Little Girl

And they're on....

First Steps....

On our way

Breaking them in, a little bit at a time.

A Close Up Shot
(they're super cute, her socks show through making the skulls pink, such a punk rocker)

Another Month Has Flown By...

Wow...I apologize for the lack of updates and that a month has gone by since. We have been one busy family. We have been to the park, out to dinner, walking around Woodbridge Lake, feeding the ducks, gone swimming, & looked out over the city of Irvine from 400 feet in the air.

Emma and Daddy up up and away!!!

400 feet is really high...

The Flying Ford Family

Emma and Daddy taking a stroll

Here Ducky Ducky... I've got bread...


Look Mom I'm learning to drive?

Well Sara is getting so big. She is now sitting, and trying to crawl even if it is backwards. She is already 6 months old; which is so hard to believe. The sounds she is making now bring such joy to our hearts. She has really come into her voice and loves to show everyone just how loud she can be. It's as if she is growling and laughing all at the same time. She really knows how to make us happy with her beautiful smile.

Friday, September 11, 2009

In the Blink Of An Eye...

The girls are changing and growing up WAY too fast. It seems as though it was yesterday that we brought Sara home from the hospital. Now it's hard to believe that it is already September, Emma is 4 years old and Sara is 5 months old.
Where does the time go?
In the blink of an eye, things change and children grow.
Despite the lingering cold that all of us have had, we are all doing great. Emma is still enjoying school and is thriving there. She has made several new friends and loves riding the school bus. Emma was recently casted for AFO's, which are special braces that will hopefully give her the support she needs to gain the balance to walk independently. Emma was fascinated with the casting process and was thrilled to be able to pick out the pattern for her new "Magic Shoes". (Pictures to come in a following post) She is very into Peter Pan so the obvious choice was the pirate flag symbol for the pattern, so to girl it up we chose hot pink straps. They're very cool and a little punk rock. She'll be quite the trendsetter.
Sara is becoming more interactive and vocal. She has learned to make the sweetest sounds including echoing noises we make, razzberries, and the famous sound that little ones make for what an "Indian" makes. What a blessing it is to watch her developmental milestones emerge. Sara has started sitting which she loves her new view and has mastered rolling over, although she doesn't like to do too often.
Below you will find recent pictures of the latest photo shoot that the paparazzi also known as Mommy took last week. We are very much enjoying being a family of 4!

Sara's Pensive Look...Wonder what she's thinking?

Sister Sister

Looking at Ants on the Sidewalk. Emma is very curious.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Big Girl Rides the Bus To School

Well the phone rang yesterday and it was the school transportation department saying that Emma was added to the bus route and that she would be riding the bus tomorrow (today). This was great news but it was also bitter sweet. I have enjoyed the last 2 weeks going to school with Emma and this means that now I get to watch her; like the big girl she is get on the bus and go to school. This will be a great adventure for her and oh what fun she'll have. Thankfully Emma's nurses Mary & Katy will be riding the bus and going to school with Emma.
This is such a weird feeling of being on this side of the "bus".
Don't get me wrong it's wonderful and weird all at the same time.
Emma was thrilled beyond measure when today came and I told her she was riding the bus. She responded in her adorable voice with her usual "Now" and so we went outside with her backpack and waited for her bus. Wow! Our miracle baby is really growing up fast.
We are SO PROUD!

Walking to the bus stop with Mary

Waiting at the Bus Stop with Mommy & Sara

Here Comes the Bus!!!

Oh her excitement just can't be contained

Here is it...

Wow its so Yellow

Emma with her Bus Driver, Mr. Sergio

Bye Bye Mom...Bye Bye Sara

All Strapped In & Ready to Go

Waving Bye Bye (too bad the windows are tinted)

There she goes, Off to school

We are so proud of you. You are getting so big its hard to believe that you were so fragile and little in the NICU. What great feats you have overcome. Way To Go!
You are so precious to us and everyday we have with you is a blessing.
We love you sweet pea, see you when you get home.
Love, Mommy & Daddy